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Electrical Panels:

How can a new panel benefit you?


One of the primary reasons for upgrading an electrical panel is to increase its capacity. Modern households often have more electrical appliances and devices than older systems can handle. An upgraded panel allows for the safe use of additional appliances without overloading the system. 


Older electrical panels may have outdated technology and may not meet current safety standards. Upgrading to a newer panel can reduce the risk of electrical fires, shocks, and other safety hazards. 


Our Leviton smart capable electrical panels are designed to improve energy efficiency. You can monitor exactly how much electricity each circuit is using at what time, and learn to lower the amount of electricity you use.  Over time this will lead to lower energy bills as the system operates more efficiently. 


 An upgraded electrical panel can increase the value of your home. Potential buyers are often willing to pay more for a home with a modern electrical system that doesn't require immediate upgrades or repairs. 


Here at Knightly Electrical Services I only install Leviton Load Centers.  They are made with a revolutionary snap in breaker design.  So if the home owner needs to replace a breaker in the future, there is not longer a need to call an electrician, for this simple task.

Low Cost Maintenance

Leviton load centers can be installed with smart capable breakers.  This allows you to view your own electrical consumption, along with diagnose future breaker trips with ease.

Smart Capable Panel

Trusted Product- Leviton Load Centers

The first sign that you may need a new electrical panel is simply the age of the panel itself.  Electrical Panels heat up and cool down over time as electricity is used.  This constant heating and cooling can cause loose electrical connections over time, and eventually those loose electrical connections will cause more overheating and eventually lead to a fire.  Electrical Panels around 20-40 years old should be inspected and at Minimum get a maintenance overhaul on.  Anything over 40 years old should be replaced immediately.


Flickering & dimming lights through out the home, along with a burning plastic smell near the electrical panel are common signs of these loose electrical connections as mentioned above.


Our Leviton smart capable electrical panels are designed to improve energy efficiency. You can monitor exactly how much electricity each circuit is using at what time, and learn to lower the amount of electricity you use.  Over time this will lead to lower energy bills as the system operates more efficiently. 


Electrical Panels: When to Replace


Are You Safe?

It's important to consult with a licensed electrician such as myself before tackling large projects like this.  No shady sales techniques here, I will properly assess your specific needs and determine whether an electrical panel upgrade is really necessary for your home or not. Take my Electrical Panel Safety Quiz to see if your panel is up to snuff...

Did you know?

The national electrical code  now requires all homes to have surge protection?

Home Surge Protection


Georgia is known for its frequent thunderstorms and lightning strikes. Whole-home surge protection helps safeguard your electrical system from the damaging effects of lightning strikes.  Electrical wiring runs through all our homes, and miles underground, so you don't need to be hit directly to feel the costly effects a lighting surge may cause on your system.   Surge protectors installed at the main electrical panel can shield all the appliances and electronics in your home. This includes your HVAC system, refrigerator, computers, TVs, and other expensive devices. Protecting these investments can save you money down the road.

Designed with advanced surge suppression technology, Square D protectors provide comprehensive protection against voltage spikes and surges, in Georgia or any other location. They also come with a $75,000 Warranty to help cover the cost of damages cause from these frequent voltage spikes and surges.

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