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Peachtree Corners Local Electricain

At Knightly Electrical Services, we are committed to delivering exceptional electrical solutions to the residents of Peachtree Corners, Georgia. Situated just within 15 miles of our shop, we have a close connection to this community, where many homes range from 30 to 50 years old and face the challenge of frequent power outages. Our expertise in installing high-quality backup generators has become increasingly vital for homeowners in Peachtree Corners, ensuring that your life remains uninterrupted during power disruptions. Additionally, we place a strong emphasis on electrical safety checks, a critical service that ensures the electrical systems in your home are not only up to code but are also operating safely and efficiently. Understanding the unique needs of Peachtree Corners, Knightly Electrical Services is dedicated to providing reliable, thorough, and timely services to enhance the safety and comfort of your home, making us a trusted partner in your community.

Peachtree Corners Electrical Services

Welcome to Knightly Electrical Services, where I proudly offer a diverse array of electrical services to the valued residents of Peachtree Corners! As a  licensed electrician with 10 years of practice, I am proficient in handling a variety of tasks, including new installations, repairs, or routine maintenance. From upgrading your home’s lighting to installing state-of-the-art electrical panels and ensuring your wiring is secure and up to code. I also provide emergency services, ensuring prompt response and resolution to any unforeseen electrical issues. At Knightly Electrical Services, I am passionate about illuminating your spaces and enhancing the safety and functionality of your electrical system.

Why Choose Knightly Electrical Services?

I offer competitive pricing, free estimates, and a satisfaction guarantee on all of my services.  My journey began with a vision to combine timeless values such as honor, integrity, and excellence with cutting-edge electrical expertise. Just like the knights of old, I take pride in my unwavering commitment to serve my community, while ensuring that every project I undertake is executed with the utmost precision and care.

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